Disabled Children's Charity in Kent
Collaborative WorkingWe collaborate with various organisations and professionals to best support our children and families.
Family Advice Service.
Our Family Advice Service are to embark on a new collaboration with the University of Greenwich supporting Nursing students by offering work experience placements.

We also collaborate with the following organisations working closely with Early Help Services and Children’s Centres.

We continue to work with individual schools supporting educational events and by offering training opportunities.
Direct Payment Service.
Our Direct Payment Service works closely with the following professionals:
Mark Bates LTD (Premier Care Insurance) https://markbatesltd.com/
FISH Insurance https://www.fishinsurance.co.uk/
Beams Payroll Service https://wearebeams.org.uk/
SmartPAYE http://smartpaye.co.uk/
Direct Payment and Care Needs Developments
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) https://www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk/
The Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund
The Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund CIC provides funding and direct access to mental health counselling for young people aged 13-18, in Gravesham. They work in partnership with local members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and referrals can be made through their website at: www.ehmf.org.uk.
We would love to hear from you if you feel we can work together to make life better for our children and families.