We Are Beams

Disabled Children's Charity in Kent

I Am A Parent

Being a parent of a disabled child can be hard, you may feel isolated or are unable to find the right support for your child.

CALL 01322 668501

We Are Beams are here to support you with a wide range of services for the whole family. Please just click on each service below.

Family Advice Service

This service is to ensure parents and carers receive the right information to help them make the best choices for their disabled child.

Short Breaks Service

Our Short Breaks Service offers a range of leisure activities and holiday clubs for disabled children and young people up to the age of 25 years.

Dragon's Retreat Respite

A respite unit providing overnight care as a short break for children and young people with disabilities up to the age of 18 years.

Direct Payment Service

A sum of money given by the local authority to the family to be in control of their disabled child’s care and support needs.

Support Brokerage Service

Supporting young people with disabilities gain independence and control of their lives and future. 

Beams Payroll Services Ltd

A competitively priced Payroll Service to pay employees or carers suitable for parents in receipt of direct payments or small businesses.