We Are Beams

Ruby’s Story

“Beams is such a wonderful place and the staff are fantastic, kind and understands Ruby’s needs. She really enjoys her time there and does not show high anxiety when left there. This allows me a break, which I have not been able to have for a long time.  Beams really have made our life better” Linda, mum to Ruby

Ruby lives with her mother, is 16 years old and has neuro development conditions ADHD and Autism. She is nonverbal and can only communicate through Picture Exchange Communication (PECS) books. This is where young people use pictures, photos and symbols to decide what they want to do or to communicate.

Ruby suffers from very high has anxiety and obsessive behaviour and can get very upset and frustrated with those around her. This can result in self harming and physical aggression towards others.  These outbursts can be upsetting and overwhelming for her mother and family.

Unfortunately, she has not been in school for nearly 3 years and her constant 24/7 care and attention needs has been a strain and exhausting for her mother Linda. Ruby thrives on routine and structure and lack of predictable routines can escalate her anxiety.

Linda first heard about We Are Beams through Ruby’s social worker and Ruby now visits Dragon’s Retreat Respite for overnight care and takes part in days out and holiday activities through Beams Shortbreaks Service. Our Family Advice team have given a significant amount of time to this case and the local authority, health care practitioners and Ruby’s past school have failed in their responsibility collectively towards Ruby and family. We have supported Rub’s fight for an education right up to the ombudsman for social care.

Beams has given Ruby the opportunity to spend time away from her mother and have some much needed fun, try new activities and to socialise with other young people with additional needs.

The visits to Dragon’s Retreat and support from the short breaks team have made a positive difference to Ruby’s physical outbursts. They have reduced significantly. The time apart from her mother has allowed Ruby to build up her independence and life skills.

We Are Beams believe that children with the most complex disabilities can thrive and reach their full potential with the right support.  We empower children and bring hope to families like Ruby’s.

Ruby's Story